This Online Privacy Statement operates from 1st October 2012.

This Online Privacy Statement is issued by JEM Pharmaceuticals Pty Limited, and its related entities. It applies to this website, located at, which is operated and managed by JEM Pharmaceuticals Pty Limited (ABN 36 155 227 080) for themselves and its related entities. This Online Privacy Statement supplements and outlines how we handle personal information.

Our Commitment to privacy and responsible use of your online personal information.

When you use this website and when you transact with us online, we are committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information, and to handling your personal information in a responsible manner in accordance with the Privacy Act. This Online Privacy Statement explains how we collect, use and disclose your personal information. In doing so, we are committed to complying with the National Privacy Principles, which set the minimum standards for how private sector organisations should handle your personal information.

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What information do we collect when you interact with us online?

The information that we collect from you when you interact with us depends on the tasks you complete on this website.

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Collection, Use and Disclosure of your Personal Information.

We need to collect, use and disclose your personal information in order to provide you with the goods you have requested. You can choose not to provide us with this information but this may affect our ability to provide the goods or services to you or your intended recipient.

Browsing the Website

When you visit and browse through this website, we collect general information for statistical and maintenance purposes that enables us to continually evaluate the performance of this website. This general information includes:

  • The number of users visiting this website and the number of pages viewed.
  • The date, time and duration of the visits, and
  • The path taken through this website

This information will not identify you and we will not combine it with any information where we can identify you.

Purchasing a product

We need to obtain personal information from you in order to complete your online purchase for our products.

When paying for a product online, using your credit card we do not store your credit card number.

Enquiries, Emails and Email Forms

To send an email to us, or to make an enquiry online, you will need to complete an email form available on this website. Most of our online forms ask for a limited amount of personal information for contact purposes, such as an email address or telephone number. You have the choice of whether or not to provide any additional information. Any information provided to us through these forms is used only for the purposes outlined, such as to answer your enquiry or to provide the estimate requested.

Online Surveys

When you visit the website you may be invited to participate in our online survey, which may appear as a pop-up window. Participation in any surveys is voluntary, and we will not ask for your name. This survey may ask you to provide information such as your age, sex and income. Any information that you provide to us will not be able to identify you.

Email or Newsletter Service

If you subscribe to our email messaging service or newsletter, we will only ask you to provide your email address or mobile phone number so that we can email you the information you have requested. In every email or newsletter sent, you are given the option to discontinue the service so as not to receive further emails or newsletters.

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How information is collected

Any information which is not capable of identifying you, such as the numbers of people visiting the website, is collected through a code embedded in the web pages of this website. You cannot disable the code on these pages.

Other information such as browser type, is included in a “cookie” that is sent to your computer when you are completing certain tasks on this website. A cookie contains bits of information that enables our servers (i.e. the computers that house this website) to identify and interact efficiently with your computer. Cookies are designed to provide a better, more customised website experience, and to make it easier for you to use this website.

You can configure your browser to accept all cookies, reject all cookies or notify you when a cookie is being sent to your computer. The “help function” on your browser will provide you with details on how to change your browser configurations. You will need to accept cookies in order to use some functions on this website.

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How online information is protected and stored

Information you provide to us on this website is securely protected as it travels from your computer to our servers, using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocols. This website uses the strongest form of SSL encryption – 128 bit, making it exceeding difficult for others to view your information.

We take all reasonable precautions to ensure that any information you provide to us is transferred securely from our servers to our mainframe computers. No personally identifiable information is stored on our servers. These mainframe computers are not able to be accessed directly through the internet, due to protection provided by several levels of firewall security to prevent unauthorised access.

This website uses an Intruder Detection System to monitor any Internet privacy and security threats. Any identified threats are evaluated, and measures taken to eliminate or reduce them.

When you use your credit card to make an online payment, we do not store your credit card number.

Any information stored on our systems is protected from unauthorised access through the use of security procedures, as well as secure user logons and passwords. Our staff are committed to following these security procedures.

By providing your personal information to us you acknowledge and consent that:

  • We can collect and use your personal information for the following purposes: to provide you and and/or your intended recipient the goods or services requested.
  • For these purposes, we can collect your personal information from, and disclose it on a confidential basis to the following: our related entities; our couriers and agents; government departments and agencies; law enforcement agencies; investigators; lawyers; medical providers; advisers; and the agent of any of these; and
  • You represent to us that where you provide personal information to us about another person, you are authorised to supply that information to us, and that you will inform that person who we are, how we use and disclose their information, and that from 1st October 2012 they can gain access to that information (unless doing so would pose a serious threat to the life or health of any individual)

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How we use information collected online

Selling or distribution of information

We do not sell, trade, lease or rent any personally identifiable information.

Marketing Purposes

We are committed to providing you with access to a range of leading products and services. In order to do this we will use your personal information to offer to you other products and services. We may disclose your personal information on a confidential basis to our related entities or agents so that we can provide these products and services.


SPAM means unsolicited advertising material sent via email.

Third Party Suppliers

  • We use various agents to deliver our products.
  • We also make use of independent market research companies to gather information from code embedded in the web pages of this website. This information is not capable of identifying you and includes information such as the number of users and pages viewed and the path taken through the website.
  • We use this information for statistical and maintenance purposes. The privacy policies of these companies must accord with ours before we will engage their services.

We also use other external companies for the following purposes:

  • For web hosting services for this website
  • For maintenance or problem solving, and
  • To gather non-personal information from cookies in order to evaluate the effectiveness of online marketing activities.

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What is our privacy relationship with third party websites?

This website includes hyperlinks to enable you to access a number of other websites by clicking on these hyperlinks we have provided. These third party websites are not subject to this Online Privacy Statement. We recommend that you read their privacy and security policies to understand how they deal with your personal information online.

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Any queries about this Online Privacy Statement?

Please email us if you have any queries regarding this Online Privacy Statement.

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Changes To Our Privacy Policy

Due to evolving technologies and types of functionality available on this website, we encourage you to review this Online Privacy Policy Statement from time to time as it may be updated.

This Online Privacy Statement operates from 1st October 2012.


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